Digital Nomad's Shop Makes the Impossible, Possible - Fleximize

Digital Nomad Makes the Impossible, Possible

Got a friend who's impossible to buy for? This nomadic entrepreneur's got it in the bag (or backpack)

By Elma Glasgow

Young entrepreneur and digital nomad, Louise Croft, is on a mission to help Christmas shoppers find presents for friends who already have everything. While many of her customers are wrapping up warm for the British winter, she's operating from tropical Thailand.

Backpacking is great for business

Currently based in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, Louise is part of a community of young people who run digital businesses from their laptops as they travel to far-flung places. Although hers is an embryonic enterprise, Louise has used entrepreneurial tactics to get the business up and running. She recently signed up as an Amazon Affiliate, and used £100 of her budget to set up her WordPress site.

To begin with, Louise spent hours online brainstorming and crowdsourcing unusual gift ideas from the international blogging community. Now, she frequently curates her “catalogue of gifts”, keeping the content fresh.

Each gift sold via her site earns Louise commission, letting her pass on the cheapest available prices to customers. Shoppers also have access to Amazon Prime – perfect for last-minute Christmas deliveries in the UK.

Dedication to digital

Underpinned with an eagerness to learn 'on the job' and an exuberance of an ambitious 26-year-old business woman (who's living in an amazing location), Louise’s efforts are attracting custom:

November has been far busier than October. As we get closer to Christmas, traffic is definitely increasing. I’m so excited to get to December!

Fully immersed in the digital sphere, Louise is busy stirring up interest in her website ahead of Christmas. From blogger collaborations to Google searches, she's got it covered:

So far I've had lots of fantastic support from startup blogs and fashion bloggers. I'm also working on improving the SEO to attract organic search traffic too. Next, I'm hoping to get media coverage,

She might be working from a hammock, but Louise's business mind is switched on, with plans to integrate Amazon USA into the site, and to seek possible investment to grow and sell her own-sourced products.

With an enviable lifestyle that many desk-bound business owners would swap their favourite aunt for, Louise could be on to something very promising. And it's possible this digital nomad could be one day living the dream on much more than the average backpacker budget.