Fleximize a Finalist at SME Funding Awards 2021

We're a finalist at the inaugural SME Funding Awards for 'Unsecured Lender of the Year'

6th April 2021

We're thrilled to announce that we've been named a finalist at the SME Funding Awards 2021 for 'Unsecured Lender of the Year'. 

The SME Funding Awards were launched this year in order to celebrate and recognize UK SMEs in the lending sector, especially those who have gone above and beyond to support the UK's community of small business owners in these turbulent times. 

The awards are organized by Funding Bay - a funding comparison platform designed to simplify business finance, and finalists were chosen by those within the industry, including clients.

Fleximize has been named one of five finalists for the 'Unsecured Lender of the Year' at the inaugural awards, with the winner announced on 4th May this year. Other categories at the SME Funding Awards include 'Invoice Finance Lender of the Year', 'Asset Finance Lender of the Year' and 'CBILS Lender of the Year'. 

Peter Tuvey, CEO & Co-Founder of Fleximize, said: "We're honoured to have been named a finalist at the inaugural SME Funding Awards. We've been working hard over the last 12 months to ensure our products and processes are meeting the changing needs of UK SME owners, so we're delighted to be recognized by an awards body that seeks to champion those in the industry who are supporting the UK's community of small business owners. Congratulations to all of our peers who have also been nominated and we look forward to the announcement on 4th May."