Peter Tuvey Pens Guest Article for Minutehack

Fleximize's managing partner offers his tips on reducing staff turnover

2nd June 2017

A challenging economic environment has made staff retention even more important for small businesses in the UK. With companies looking to cut costs wherever possible, an expensive recruitment campaign will put serious strain on any business that’s feeling the financial impact of Brexit, business rates and late payments.

In an article for Minutehack, the news and advice website for entrepreneurs and executives, Fleximize’s co-founder and managing partner Peter Tuvey offered his top tips on how to keep hold of employees. Stressing the importance of an attractive company culture and investing in staff development, Peter drew on his own experience to provide some invaluable advice to fellow business owners.

“Most employees don’t just want a job; they want a career. Supporting employees in their career development can reduce turnover by reinforcing commitment to long-term working relationships and staff progression.

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