The Single Biggest Challenge for a Business Leader? - Fleximize

The Single Biggest Challenge for a Business Leader?

What is the biggest challenge and why?

By Emma Meakin

By far the biggest, but most easily rectifiable problem that businesses face, is ensuring staff communicate effectively both internally and externally.

It is vital that a business leader sets the example, therefore it is essential that your leaders know how to communicate. Keeping employees and senior managers happy and well motivated, whilst providing them with the skills and support they need, requires impeccable communication skills.

Managers must be diplomatic yet decisive, strong yet flexible, and able to communicate well across a range of media, from face-to-face through to telephone and email. Being able to inspire and motivate others even when the odds are stacked against them is the sign of a skilled communicator. As is the ability to successfully resolve conflict by maintaining a positive attitude to problem solving and aligning everyone to a shared outcome.

Effective communication may seem a simple thing but it one of the largest issues in any business and can lead to mismanagement and disgruntled employees. Therefore, you must ensure as a business leader that you can communicate with both your staff and customers.