Addition of Staff to the Business - Fleximize

Addition of Staff to the Business

What’s the best way to add new staff to an existing team?

By Emma Meakin

Every business will have a time where new staff are needed or a team reshuffle takes place and along side this falls a whole host of emotions and logistical issues to counterbalance.

Introducing a new team member to an established group can be disruptive and stressful for all parties if it’s not handled correctly. During the hiring process think about the skills that need to be added to the team and the personality traits that will be required to work well with the existing members. At the same time, make sure the current team understands why a new member is being recruited, where they’ll slot into existing structures, and what their responsibilities will be. Respond to any concerns they voice. If you can effectively communicate to the existing team members why the company needs a new staff member this will put their minds at ease and allow a more successful introduction.

When the new employee starts, hold a group meeting and get everyone to introduce themselves and their roles to the new member. Establish a mentor in the team to assist in the introduction of the new employee, this not only allows a member of staff to take leadership role but also allows a point of contact that is not management for the new staff member. Focus on cooperation and the value of each team member and deal quickly with any disputes.

Even when moving staff between teams, remember that there may have been no interact between the staff before and that each team will handle procedures in their own way. It is vital to ensure that the staff understand the reasons behind the reshuffle and that everyone is comfortable in their new roles.