How Can I Discover if my Customers Are Satisfied? - Fleximize

How Can I Discover if My Customers Are Satisfied?

Knowing about customers' satisfaction is vital when running a business

By Emma Meakin

The simple way to discover if your customers are satisfied is to ask them. This can be done in numerous ways and can be as simple as asking them to leave a review or complete a short survey.

If customers are dissatisfied they’re very unlikely to come back to you at all. So you need to check whether they’re satisfied before you lose them. Not only will this allow you to determine any issues with your customer service but it will allow you a chance to change and adapt while you still have the chance to make things better.

One simple way is an after-sales check up, either via email or a phone call. That way, the customer feels that you care about their experience, and you get to head off problems as quickly as possible.

You should also check regularly with your sales and support teams: they’re often the first to know if things are going wrong.