Social Media and Customer Retention - Fleximize

Social Media and Customer Retention

How important is social media in retaining customers?

By Emma Meakin

Word of mouth is a powerful tool in retaining business and also in gaining new business. Social media is the modern day extension of this principle.

Brands should see social media as an opportunity to create a relationship with consumers. Providing excellent customer service via social media can help to create a customer for life. Conversely, if done badly it can lead to losing a valuable customer.

It’s also important to listen to customers through social platforms and to respond in human way rather than with a stock, robotic reply. Customers react well to good service and will return.

By communicating with clients on social media, you add personality to your overall professional image, something which can help set you or your business apart from the competition. You also confirm and validate your company. In a world of fly-by-night online businesses, it’s beneficial to offer some reassurance to clients and prospects. Also, having this personality can make customers feel more comfortable and give them a more personal connection to the company.

Promoting conversation through sharing industry-relevant insight or information on social media can also help to secure new business or strengthen an existing relationship.