Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way - Fleximize

Market Your Niche Product: The Hacker's Way

Just because your product is niche, it doesn't mean it's difficult to market.

By David Kiriakidis

How should niche audiences be marketed to?

If you’re selling to a niche market it’s reasonable to assume that you already know the approximate size of the market, but do you know its personality?

Marketing based on personality type rather than trying to be all things to all people can really help you to communicate in a highly targeted way.

I'll assume you're already using free tools such as Google Analytics, or paid tools, such as Hubspot, to help identify your market’s demographics and habits.

Once you’ve established the personality of your demographic, you can accurately tap into what makes them tick, helping your advertisements, social media campaigns and even your news and blog posts really resonate.

Age range, lifestyle, location, education, musical tastes and other influences can inform the content that you write, so that it becomes meaningful at a much deeper level than the more general stream of content that’s easily filtered out as background noise.

You can use tools like SEMrush to discover long-tail keyword opportunities that your demographics are using. These are 5-7 word length search queries that have the golden combination - worthwhile search volume and low competition.

Here's an example;

  1. Turn your focus away from more obvious keywords like "watches" or "men's watches".
  2. Instead turn your attention to longer-tail versions of those keywords such as "men's watches chrono dial leather".
  3. Out of this list, separate the longer-tail keywords with clear buying intentions, such as "cheap mens chrono watches leather"

Find these keywords and then look at who is ranking for them.

What are they doing well?

What questions does that piece of content answer?

How could you put your own spin on that high-ranking content?

Use this list of keywords important to your audience and prioritise the more 'evergreen' content opportunities - this is the content that your audience wants more of and will bring you a steady stream of traffic, building your site authority and, in turn, your ability to rank for the shorter, higher volume keywords.

So a real investment into uncovering their preferences at the outset helps you to help them, builds your sites authority and ability to rank.

The initial outlay in marketing to a niche audience may cost more than in a more general campaign, but the resulting dividends are likely to be far higher, as is the longevity of your customer relationships.

As a producer of a niche product you’re at an advantage. It’s conventional wisdom that it’s easier to sell a unique and rare product to precisely targeted consumers than to peddle large volumes of generic products to a mass market.

Assuming you’ve done your homework and have a quality product with a clearly defined market (it’s essential to make this the basis of your marketing strategy), then you’re already halfway to success.

Remember, it’s not always necessary to embark on expensive advertising campaigns. You may even be better off using word-of-mouth marketing. You’ll need to promote yourself as an expert and opinion spokesperson for your niche. It’s wise to make full use of social media, blogging and event opportunities in order to build your personal brand in-line with the growth of your business brand.

All experts in the field of niche marketing tend to agree that it’s necessary to be personal in your approach. Don’t be a shrinking violet or a wall flower. Encourage your customers to connect with you, make it easy for them to do so, and ensure you note and listen to their concerns and comments; doing so will engender confidence in your brand.